Hotel Direct invites all departing guests to rate and review their chosen hotel.

To ensure our guest evaluation is always up to date and to allow for hotel improvements, our Hotel Score is the mean of the most recent 100 guest ratings.

Hotel Score:

92%  based on 4 reviews

Guest rating:



Very quiet hotel - great sleep.Good food in restaurant. Overall - high standard, but a bit pricey, if you are paying full rates. Also overnight rate does not include breakfast!!

Guest rating:


"Fine convenient hotel."

Good hotel and an excellent value with very attentive staff. Also, there is a good view of the planes landing from the room window, but it was very quiet. I will stay there again instead of the more expensive Sheraton.

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Mon-Thu: 9am-10pm. Fri: 9am-8pm. Sat: 9am-5.30pm. Sun: 10am-9pm.

Our review system

Guest reviews and ratings are submitted to Hotel Direct by our customers immediately after check-out. They are un-edited.