Pentahotel_Reading_Centre reviews

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Hotel Score:

100%  based on 2 reviews

Guest rating:



I got this room for 2 nights as a birthday treat for my girlfriend for her birthday. Having booked it through a Website I was a little worried that it wasn`t going to be as good as the reviews. When we arrived we were both blown away. The lobby is beautiful and relaxing. The staff are extremely friendly. The rooms are extremely modern and trendy and clean but most important of all the bed was comfy and very big. I`m 6`4` and can easily lay any way on the bed without my feet hanging of the ends of the bed. The food for breakfast is really nice and it`s buffet so all you can eat really. I would recommend this hotel to anyone and would very much like to return myself. Also it`s on the edge of the town centre so is away from the busy, loud noise of readings rowdy night life.

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