Kilkenny River Court Hotel reviews

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To ensure our guest evaluation is always up to date and to allow for hotel improvements, our Hotel Score is the mean of the most recent 100 guest ratings.

Hotel Score:

100%  based on 3 reviews

Guest rating:



We have stayed at the River Court before and we would recommend it without hesitation. Lovely location,great food,and friendly and helpful staff.Hope to be back soon as Kilkenny is such a wonderful place.

Guest rating:


"Professional friendly service in a great location"

This hotel is set in a great location on the river below the castle. The staff provided proper, professional hotel service but in a friendly manner and with a personal touch. When we asked about wheelchair availability at a local attraction, the reception staff kindly lent us a wheelchair.

Guest rating:


"We totally enjoyed our stay in your hotel.We felt very welcome and the atmosphere was very ihelpful"

Hope to return in the near future and keep in touch with offers and i will spread the word about your hotel

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Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm. Sat: 9am-5.30pm. Sun: 10am-6:30pm.

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Guest reviews and ratings are submitted to Hotel Direct by our customers immediately after check-out. They are un-edited.

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