Holiday Inn Brighton Seafront reviews

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To ensure our guest evaluation is always up to date and to allow for hotel improvements, our Hotel Score is the mean of the most recent 100 guest ratings.

Hotel Score:

76%  based on 13 reviews

Guest rating:


"Good night here"

I only stand 1 night room v good bed very comfy. Had a it of a prob booking dinner but that was me unable to use these scanner things. Had a lovely dinner. Needed a bit more info on w buffet was. A member of staff found me and directed me. All the staff are lovely courteous friendly and helpful very welcoming. Hotel on the whole v clean but the dining room carpet could do with a clean. On the whole very enjoyable stay lovely view from the hotel whilst eating.

Guest rating:


"If you are looking for good accommodation at a reasonable price, try Holiday Inn"

Friendly staff, comfortable hotel, wonderful position. perrrrfect

Guest rating:


"Hotel lovely, staff lovely. Unfortunately the room was not - very tired. Bed very uncomfortable. "

Based on the room an quality of sleep alone I doubt I would stay again for this price. Overall the hotel and staff were lovely - can`t fault the service. Great location - really convenient and close to everything. But ultimately the room let it down - real shame as I book Holiday Inn as I trust the brand

Guest rating:


"Valentines disaster"

The breakfast in the hotel is a complete waste of money as is the room service, total disaster, cold food, wrong food delivered, toaster broken, no tea or coffee, no tables left to sit st snd ended up sitting at the bar, food not replenished and what was there was of very poor quality........

Guest rating:


"Excellent service at Brighton Seafront!"

Staying at the Holiday inn Brighton Seafront was a delight. Especially as a disabled person with a family, I was welcomed and dealt with respect and care. Nothing was too small to ask them. We are planning our second trip.

Guest rating:


"Very nice but the room we were in is in need of the refit that is on going."

Guest rating:


"Well located but in need of TLC"

The Holiday inn is well located on the seafront and close to the town centre but is in the process of being refurbished and if you are one of the unlucky ones to get the a room that is yet to be decorated it will be grim. The bathroom was the worst I have ever seen in a hotel. Make sure you insist on a refurbished room. The remainder of the hotel was ok and the staff were very helpful.

Guest rating:


"Enjoyable stay "

After reading past comments , I was all geared up for a Disappointing stay. Well I was totally wrong . The staff were very friendly , and very helpful . The room was comfortable and clean. We both loved the choice at breakfast . We are planning to come back next year . Well woth the money

Guest rating:


"Great position, good parking , helpful staff and even good weather!"

Guest rating:


"Nice hotel, nice room. Really friendly, pleasant staff - Special mention for Fabiola"

Guest rating:


"The room was shabby, the bathroom was v bad, broken tiles, mouldy sealant round bath, toiletshirty"

The bathroom really was below standard, Ihave stayed in many hotels for a lot less than I paid for this one. So very disapointed overall

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