Vincci Seleccion Posada del Patio reviews

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To ensure our guest evaluation is always up to date and to allow for hotel improvements, our Hotel Score is the mean of the most recent 100 guest ratings.

Hotel Score:

100%  based on 1 reviews

Guest rating:


"Excellent hotel!"

The service was excellent, with all the staff being extremely helpful and friendly! The location was excellent, just a few mins walk to the heart of the old town, and it felt very safe. The standard of the hotel was also immaculate. The breakfast was very varied and plentiful (even for vegetarians) and served until 11am. We had booked a couple of tours which meant we would miss breakfast but we were given picnic boxes full of sandwiches, drinks and snacks to take with us which were amazing and kept us going all day! The shower was lovely, hot and powerful! There was only a couple of English channels, but considering we were out most of the time this did not cause a problem! The wi-fi was excellent, and I had no problems going onto the internet with multiple devices. Cannot fault this place, would highly recommend and return again!!

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