Park Plaza Leeds reviews

Hotel Direct invites all departing guests to rate and review their chosen hotel.

To ensure our guest evaluation is always up to date and to allow for hotel improvements, our Hotel Score is the mean of the most recent 100 guest ratings.

Hotel Score:

93%  based on 7 reviews

Guest rating:


"excellent hotel"

Guest rating:



Enjoyable stay, comfy bed, clean, decent toiletries. Everything we needed in the room. Efficient and pleasant staff. Great location, will stay again.

Guest rating:



Excellent location close to station, bars and shopping. Lovely view of city from the room. Room was truly massive and very comfortable. Decor modern and fresh. Overall cannot fault at all.

Guest rating:


"Clean tidy, very pleasant staff, but a few quirks"

Beds good, linen very good. Sofa bed awful. I had to get the extra quilt to put.underneath as the springs ans support bars dug into my body. The room was meant to be 2 double beds, but it was 2 single and double sofa be, making it a bit cramped....Bathroom a bit weird with its frosted glass door. which gave the impression you could see the occupant sat on the throne. Also with a 5cm gap at the bottom of the door It was like a service station loo and sitting there.know that anyone in the bedroom was able to hear the winds and plops and OMG the smell the smells, well this is not my idea of having a private loo moment.Putting that aside the place clean, neon welcoming and modern, great Tv, lovely bar and good for an overnight stay for a shopping trip.Not sure I would stay in a room with a ventilated see thru room again

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