Portugal Street
WC2A 2HT', thumb: '//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/london-theatre-thumb-large.jpg', distance:'Distance to tube:4 minute walk (342 m)', lat: '51.514625', lng: '-0.118017' } ]; var tube = [ { name: 'Holborn', description: '4 minute walk (342 metres) from Peacock Theatre', lat: '51.51743583353309', lng: '-0.12001276016235351' } ]; function initialize() { TheatreBreaks.initializeMap({ lat: '51.514625', lng: '-0.118017', zoom: 13, show: show, tube: tube }); } function loadMapScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp' + '&key=AIzaSyDdiSE1qIzqFvwI-W18TrMewsYqaefd4DI&signed_in=true&callback=initialize'; document.body.appendChild(script); } var revtotal = 0, hotelcookie; if (revtotal === 0) { hotelcookie = [ "Gandini Juggling - Smashed", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/london-theatre-thumb-large.jpg", "Peacock Theatre", "0", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/theatrebreaks/gandini-juggling-_-smashed.htm", "", "", "Gandini Juggling - Smashed", "London" ]; } else { hotelcookie = [ "Gandini Juggling - Smashed", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/london-theatre-thumb-large.jpg", "Peacock Theatre", "0", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/theatrebreaks/gandini-juggling-_-smashed.htm", "Customer Score, 0 reviews", ": ", "Gandini Juggling - Smashed", "London" ]; } $(function() { HD.Cookie.attachRecentlyViewed(); HD.Cookie.setLastViewed(hotelcookie); });
Prices include tickets plus hotel
Tickets + hotel fr £97 / person
Tickets + hotel fr £97 £87 / person
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with your
% off
RSP prices
Running time: 1hr.
Booking from: 01 Jun 2024
Booking until: 01 Jun 2024
Smashed takes a witty look at forbidden fruit and the fraying relationship between seven men and two women.
Traditional juggling meets contemporary circus alongside 100 apples and a troupe of masterful performers.
A series of nostalgic, cinematic scenes explore conflict, tense relationships, lost love, and afternoon tea.
Set against a soundtrack featuring popular songs ranging from Tammy Wynette to Music Hall and Bach.
Inspired by the work of the great choreographer, Pina Bausch, director Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala have borrowed elements of her distinct choreography and combined them with the intricate patterns and cascades of solo and ensemble juggling.
This funny, inventive, and characterful work will challenge your perception of juggling.
Peacock Theatre
Portugal Street
5 mins walk from Holborn Tube Station. From Twyford Place, turn left on to Kingsway for 300m, turn left on to Portugal Street and the theatre will be on the left.
Holborn station is 4 minute walk (342 metres)
Matinee | Evening | |
Saturday | 7.30pm |
See package price reductions on the next page
Peacock Theatre
Portugal Street
Holborn station is 4 minute walk (342 metres)
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