Victoria Street
SW1E 5EA', thumb: '//', reviews: 'Superb, 94%',distance:'Distance to tube:1 minute walk (89 m)', lat: '51.4967', lng: '-0.142565' } ]; var tube = [ { name: 'Victoria', description: '1 minute walk (89 metres) from Victoria Palace Theatre', lat: '51.496340512203865', lng: '-0.1437234878540039' } ]; function initialize() { TheatreBreaks.initializeMap({ lat: '51.4967', lng: '-0.142565', zoom: 13, show: show, tube: tube }); } function loadMapScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = '' + '&key=AIzaSyDdiSE1qIzqFvwI-W18TrMewsYqaefd4DI&signed_in=true&callback=initialize'; document.body.appendChild(script); } var revtotal = 46, hotelcookie; if (revtotal === 0) { hotelcookie = [ "Hamilton", "//", "Victoria Palace Theatre", "0", "", "", "", "Hamilton", "London" ]; } else { hotelcookie = [ "Hamilton", "//", "Victoria Palace Theatre", "0", "", "Customer Score, 46 reviews", "Superb: 94%", "Hamilton", "London" ]; } $(function() { HD.Cookie.attachRecentlyViewed(); HD.Cookie.setLastViewed(hotelcookie); });
Prices include tickets plus hotel
Tickets + hotel fr £53 / person
Tickets + hotel fr £53 £47 / person
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% off
RSP prices
Victoria Palace Theatre
Victoria Street
Exit Victoria Station and walk up Wilton Street. The theatre is visible from the stations exit. This is approximately a 1 minute walk.
Victoria station is 1 minute walk (89 metres)
Matinee | Evening | |
Monday | 7.30pm | |
Tuesday | 7.30pm | |
Wednesday | 7.30pm | |
Thursday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Friday | 7.30pm | |
Saturday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Running time: 2hr 45min. Incl. 15min interval.
Booking from: 26 Mar 2025
Booking until: 28 Mar 2026
"First time we had seen Hamilton and it was great. Historically interesting with super music and excellent choreography."
"Amazing show, worth every penny"
"Excellent show, amazing casting superb venue, it`s a must see"
"Fantastic!!! Everyone should go and see this amazing show. The cast was brilliant. Every voice was memorable, the music, acting, the stage all fabulous. Hard to pick out one performance but King George was a wow. Would definitely go and see it again."
"It was an amazing show, you could feel the energy from the cast. 10/10 would recommend"
"Absolutely amazing. Lived up to its expectation. All the cast were absolutely fantastic."
"Hamilton was exactly what we hoped it would be. Slick, brilliantly choreographed with amazing singing and acting. If you haven`t seen it you should make time to go and experience this unique theatrical experience."
See package price reductions on the next page
Victoria Palace Theatre
Victoria Street
Victoria station is 1 minute walk (89 metres)
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