Fulton Road, Wembley
HA9 8TS', thumb: '//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/starlight_express_Thumb_Large.jpg', reviews: 'Exceptional, 95%',distance:'Distance to tube:5 minute walk (442 m)', lat: '51.561779', lng: '-0.285270' } ]; var tube = [ { name: 'Wembley Park', description: '5 minute walk (442 metres) from Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre', lat: '51.563308662170115', lng: '-0.27937563106286234' } ]; function initialize() { TheatreBreaks.initializeMap({ lat: '51.561779', lng: '-0.285270', zoom: 13, show: show, tube: tube }); } function loadMapScript() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp' + '&key=AIzaSyDdiSE1qIzqFvwI-W18TrMewsYqaefd4DI&signed_in=true&callback=initialize'; document.body.appendChild(script); } var revtotal = 21, hotelcookie; if (revtotal === 0) { hotelcookie = [ "Starlight Express", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/starlight_express_Thumb_Large.jpg", "Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre", "0", "https://www.hoteldirect.co.uk/theatrebreaks/starlight-express.htm", "", "", "Starlight Express", "London" ]; } else { hotelcookie = [ "Starlight Express", "//www.hoteldirect.co.uk/img/starlight_express_Thumb_Large.jpg", "Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre", "0", "https://www.hoteldirect.co.uk/theatrebreaks/starlight-express.htm", "Customer Score, 21 reviews", "Exceptional: 95%", "Starlight Express", "London" ]; } $(function() { HD.Cookie.attachRecentlyViewed(); HD.Cookie.setLastViewed(hotelcookie); });
Prices include tickets plus hotel
Tickets + hotel fr £59 / person
Tickets + hotel fr £59 £53 / person
Your Hotel Direct credit:
with your
% off
RSP prices
Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre
Fulton Road, Wembley
Wembley Park station is 5 minute walk (442 metres)
Matinee | Evening | |
Wednesday | 7.30pm | |
Thursday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Friday | 7.30pm | |
Saturday | 2.30pm | 7.30pm |
Sunday | 1.00pm | 5.30pm |
Running time: 2hr 30min. Incl. 15min interval.
Booking from: 28 Mar 2025
Booking until: 01 Mar 2026
"The show was fantastic. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It`s a great show for everyone. It`s lively, colourful and great skating skills to watch. Well worth the money"
"A completely different experience at the theatre!The speed at which the cast skate is very mind blowing as are some of the tricks which they perform.The music is good too and overall it`s an exciting show. The costumes are brilliant and the small boy in it is very endearing."
"As good as we remember from 35 years ago."
"Such a wonderful experience."
"I love everything about it and my family loved it too.We come to London for shows as are Christmas family gift 127873; Thank you for a wonderful evening"
"Music and costumes amazing."
"Wow! So much going on throughout the entire performance. Costumes and lighting effects were amazing."
See package price reductions on the next page
Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre
Fulton Road, Wembley
Wembley Park station is 5 minute walk (442 metres)
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